2014年 9月20日掲載

FCTCはこのようにホームページに掲載することを決定しました。詳しくはFCTCのホームページをご覧下さい。  FCTC:WHOタバコ規制枠組み条約

参考リンク: オリンピックと禁煙 タバコのないオリンピックについての5問5答 
都道府県受動喫煙防止条例(案)) 祝・2020年東京五輪開催決定

日本禁煙学会理事 松崎道幸(訳)














Head of the Convention Secretariat strongly supports 100% smoke-free Tokyo

A delegation from Japan, led by Mr Shige Matsuzawa, member of the House of Councillors, met Dr Vera da Costa e Silva, Head of the Convention Secretariat, on 16 September 2014. The meeting took place in the context of the recent announcement by the Governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe, that a smoke-free ordinance will be implemented in Tokyo before the 2020 Summer Olympic Games.

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A delegation from Japan, led by Mr Shige Matsuzawa, member of the House of Councillors, as well as members of his staff, Professor Sakuta and Mr Miyazaki of the Japan Society for Tobacco Control, and representatives of the Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva, met Dr Vera da Costa e Silva, Head of the Convention Secretariat, on 16 September 2014.

The discussions concerned implementation of the WHO FCTC by Japan. Particular attention was given to implementation of measures protecting citizens from second-hand tobacco smoke and creating smoke-free environments, an obligation under Article 8 of the Convention, which Japan ratified in June 2004. The meeting was very timely as the Governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe, announced in August 2014 that a smoke-free ordinance will be implemented in Tokyo before the 2020 Summer Olympic Games.

Based on 2007 estimates, 129 000 Japanese die each year of tobacco-related diseases. Further, according to estimates of the National Cancer Centre, 6800 Japanese die each year from the effects of passive smoking.

Dr da Costa e Silva noted that addressing tobacco use in a comprehensive manner, as required by the Convention, is one of the most effective way of improving the health of populations, and recommended strengthened action in the areas of smoke-free environments and health warnings on tobacco product packaging, and a comprehensive ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.

The measures should be complemented by strengthened coordination and collaboration between all relevant departments of the Government as well as policies to prevent interference by the tobacco industry in the development of public health policies.

Mr Matsuzawa stated that a comprehensive tobacco-control act is under preparation, for which he expressed his full support. If passed, it will ensure that all Japanese citizens will have the opportunity to enjoy smoke-free environments at the workplace and elsewhere.

Dr Da Costa e Silva, on behalf of the Convention Secretariat, promised to assist Japan in its endeavours to scale up its tobacco-control policies.

Memorandum of Understanding between WHO and IOC (summary)

The World Health Organization(WHO) and the International Olympic
Committee(IOC) share the view that all human beings have the right to aspire to harmonious development, both physically and intellectually, and to live in decent and peaceful conditions in respect of the universal fundamental ethical principles.

Recognizing the unique opportunity that exists to formulate and implement an effective strategy for substantially reducing deaths and disease burden worldwide due to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD), the 61st World Health Assembly endorsed a six year Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. The Action Plan builds on and includes actions contained within the WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, which aims to reduce risks factors for NCD’s that stem from unhealthy diets and physical inactivity through public health actions, increase awareness and understanding of the diseases, strengthen and implement related global, regional, national policies and action plans, as well as monitor science and research.

The promotion of a healthy lifestyle and contribution of sports, physical activity and healthy environments to human development is a mutually shared goal. Increased awareness, through advocacy and field activities, of the development benefits of healthy lifestyles would continue to engage the best efforts and cooperation of both organizations. Within the framework of health legacy and sustainable development, WHO and the IOC are committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, tobacco free events, physical activity and sport for all and share lessons learnt.